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June 6, 2023

Episode Recap | Ep. 9 Sam Knight: Episode Newsletter, Key Topics, and Speaker Bio

Episode Recap | Ep. 9 Sam Knight: Episode Newsletter, Key Topics, and Speaker Bio

Dear Podcast Community,

We hope this email finds you well and that you're staying safe and healthy during these times of transformation. As always, we want to keep you updated on our latest podcast episode and share some key takeaways from our conversation with Andres Sanchez and Sam Knight.

Andres Sanchez emphasized the importance of learning by doing rather than just reading or studying. He shared his story of success in college, where he started his own businesses and applied what he learned in class. By implementing what you learn, he said, you drive neural connections and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Andres also talked about Artifact Labs, which is his latest venture with Diego, focusing on building custom and personalized software applications for small businesses.

Meanwhile, Sam Knight shared his experience working for Sean T and how he eventually started his own agency, Artifacts Labs. He emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication in marketing, which he learned through podcasts, books, and studying business. Sam also shared his passion for holistic health and how it led him to meditation, which he believes is critical for mental and spiritual well-being.

We also learned that Andres is excited about the opportunity to continue building despite the constant stimulation of modern society, while Sam is living in Miami and working on side projects in addition to Artifacts Labs.

We hope you find these insights helpful and that they inspire you to learn by doing, work hard towards your goals, and prioritize your health and well-being. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Best regards,

Andres Sanchez Host 


Episode Key Topics
Podcast Episode: Andres Sanchez and Sam Knight

Sam Knight's Personal Journey:

- Sam's experience working with Sean T.
- Learning from working with Sean.

Meditation and Holistic Health:

- The importance of commitment and consistent practice.
- The difficulty of clearing one's mind in a constantly stimulated world.
- Observing thoughts without judgment and finding peace.
- The benefits of mediation for nervous system training.
- The importance of balance in one's life.

Andres Sanchez on Learning:

- The importance of learning by doing.
- The mistake of not actively implementing what you learn.
- The value of starting a side business, hobby, or project.
- Applying knowledge from college to businesses in the real world.
Artifact Labs and Sam Knight:

- Artifact Labs' focuses on building custom and personalized software applications for small businesses.
- Sam's journey from working as an assistant to starting his own agency.
- The importance of marketing and holistic health.
- Creating content for the conscious creator community.
Other Topics:

- Andres Sanchez's excitement for the future amid the economic and global transformation.
- Sam Knight's side projects in addition to Artifact Labs.
- Andres Sanchez's appreciation for people who can put things into perspective.

Episode Q&A 

1. Who is Andres Sanchez and what does he emphasize in this episode? 
- Andres Sanchez emphasizes the importance of learning by doing and implementing what you learn to drive neural connections and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

2. What is Artifact Labs and who is involved with it? 
- Artifact Labs is a custom software application company that Andres Sanchez founded with Diego. 

3. Who is Sam Knight and what did he learn from his experience working with Sean T? 
- Sam Knight worked for Sean T for several years, where he learned the importance of hard work and dedication in creating success. He also taught himself how to run Facebook ads during this time.

4. What does Sam Knight emphasize in this episode? 
- Sam Knight emphasizes the importance of understanding that marketing is not easy and requires a lot of work and dedication to be successful. He also emphasizes the importance of holistic health for mental and spiritual well-being.

5. What was Sam Knight's experience starting his own agency? 
- Starting his own agency was difficult and a train wreck at times, but it ended up being the best decision he ever made.

6. What does Sam Knight say about meditation in this episode? 
- Sam Knight says that meditation requires commitment and consistent practice to see its benefits, and it can be difficult to be still and quiet the mind due to constant stimulation in daily life.

7. What led Sam Knight to become obsessed with holistic health? 
- Sam Knight experienced severe anxiety while working for startups, which led him to discover meditation as a solution. This led him to become obsessed with holistic health and create a blog to share his knowledge.

8. What is the goal of Artifact Labs? 
- The goal of Artifact Labs is to impact culture through media and create content that stands the test of time.

9. What does Andres Sanchez say about taking care of one's body and mental health? 
- Andres Sanchez emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's body and mental health.

10. What is Sam Knight excited about in the near future? 
- Sam Knight is excited about the opportunity to continue building and show up, despite the constant stimulation and instant gratification society we live in.

Speaker Bio: Sam Knight is a meditation enthusiast who believes in the practice as a way to maintain a healthy nervous system. He views meditation as an opportunity to take a step back, pause, and take a deep breath. Sam considers it a daily practice, and the compound effect of doing it consistently can build up over time, creating a barrier between one's thoughts and reactions. He believes that maintaining one's nervous system is essential because it sends electrical signals all over the body, and maintaining it is like maintaining a car. Failure to do so could lead to injuries, disease, and eventually wear the body down. Sam compares it to holding the gas on a car, which could ultimately damage the car.