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May 24, 2023

Episode Recap | Ep. 7 Diego Vetencourt: Episode Newsletter, Key Topics, and Speaker Bio

Episode Recap | Ep. 7 Diego Vetencourt: Episode Newsletter, Key Topics, and Speaker Bio

Subject: Staying Ahead in Technology: An Essential Component of Business Success

Dear Subscribers,

Welcome to our latest newsletter! Today, we will be discussing how technology is changing the world of business and how companies can stay ahead of the curve.

In a recent episode, we explored how being slow in adapting to technology can lead to being left behind in the business world. As the pace of technological progress increases at an unprecedented rate, it is becoming easier for solopreneurs to leverage technology to run multimillion-dollar businesses. However, the future of technology and its relationship with business success remains uncertain.

AI technology is making mediocre people ten times better and, in turn, making good individuals obsolete. Fields such as engineering are already feeling the impact of AI technologies, with machine learning engineers currently leading the competition.

Despite this, companies can still stay ahead of the curve by having a conversation with machine learning engineers and understanding how they can implement these tools to their advantage. However, many AI tools will become obsolete within a year, and businesses must conduct a lot of experimentation to keep up with the latest trends.

Our guest shared a remarkable journey, from dealing with drug addiction to business and cryptocurrency investment failures and finally to becoming the director of marketing for a leading company. Through this journey, he discovered the world of podcasts and started creating great content that overperformed compared to others. This led to him partnering with fellow content creator Danja to create engaging short-form content that impressed Sam from My First Million. By gaining Sam's trust, he was able to meet incredible entrepreneurs and sell them on his services, leading him to co-found a successful business, Shortsy.

We learned how innovation is critical for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and be adaptive to change. Fear and excitement are the two emotions that arise when it comes to AI, but content creators need to explore and innovate with these new AI tools to remain competitive. Auto GPT, which automates outbound strategies and conversation for businesses, is an excellent example of the potential of AI and how one-man businesses are already leveraging these tools.

Finally, we touched on how networking can lead to valuable partnerships with complementary entrepreneurs, with the ultimate goal of marketing to grab attention and make people take action. Providing value and solving problems for clients is key to success, regardless of the medium.

So, stay ahead of the curve and leverage technology to stay competitive in business.

Thank you for reading and see you on the next episode!


Andres Sanchez Host 

Episode Key Topics 

Episode Summary: 

- The importance of being ahead of the curve in implementing tools and technology in business
    - Slow adoption of technology can lead to being left behind in the industry
    - Being a solopreneur leveraging technology to run a multimillion-dollar business is becoming more popular
    - The future of technology and its influence on business success is uncertain 
- The impact of AI technology on businesses 
    - AI technology can make mediocre people ten times better while making good people obsolete 
    - Engineering is an example of a field that's being affected by AI technology 
    - Machine learning engineers are the alphas in the competition 
    - Companies need to have a conversation with machine learning engineers to understand how they can implement the technology 
    - Many AI tools will become obsolete within a year and new tools are being invented every day
- How technology is now essential in day-to-day business operations 
    - Almost all types of businesses are now considered tech companies 
    - Even traditional brick and mortar banks are making software acquisitions to improve their online banking and website experiences 
    - Falling behind on technology can make it difficult to catch up with advancements like AI
- The story of the speaker's journey in entrepreneurship 
    - Overcoming failures, addiction and investing
    - His experience with Uber and discovering the world of podcasts
    - Starting Shortsy, a business with his co-founder 
    - Networking and relationships in the industry 
- The potential of AI marketing for content creation and staying ahead of the game 
    - The emotions of fear and excitement in adopting AI technology 
    - Innovating with new AI tools to remain competitive in the industry 
    - Auto GPT, a tool that automates outbound strategies and conversation for businesses 
- The importance of reinventing oneself to scale a business 
    - Networking can lead to valuable partnerships with complementary entrepreneurs 
    - Focusing on providing value and solving problems for clients over being defined by a specific industry or service 

- The interviewee's story of building a successful business 
    - Being a political refugee who came to the US and failed multiple times 
    - Building relationships with influential people and innovating with AI technology 
    - Meeting the person the speaker is talking to has helped them gain a more positive outlook on their career path 
    - The focus of marketing is on grabbing attention and making people take action 
    - Handling a high volume of inbound leads before partnering with Sam to promote their product.

Episode Q&A 

1. What is the significance of technology in the business world?
- Technology is essential in day-to-day business operations, and almost all types of businesses are now considered tech companies.
2. How is AI affecting the job market?
- AI technology is making mediocre people ten times better while making good or ten x people obsolete. Engineering is an example of a field that's being affected by AI technology. Machine learning engineers are the alphas in the competition right now.
3. What is short-form content creation, and how can it benefit businesses?
- Short-form content creation is a strategy used by businesses to create quick and easily digestible content. The speaker experimented with short-form content creation and noticed it overperformed compared to other content creation strategies.
4. What is the role of innovation in business success?
- Innovation is key for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and be adaptive to change. Those who don't stay ahead and capitalize on change may get left behind.
5. What are the use cases for AI in marketing?
- AI is a new big thing in the marketing content business, and there are numerous use cases for it. Auto GPT, a tool that automates outbound strategies and conversation for businesses, is an example of the potential of AI and how one-man businesses are already leveraging these tools.
6. How can businesses leverage networking and partnerships to scale their operations?
- Networking can lead to valuable partnerships with complementary entrepreneurs. The ultimate goal of marketing is to grab attention and make people take action, regardless of the medium.
7. How can businesses balance manual work with automation tools?
- Majority of social media automation doesn't work and requires a lot of manual work. It's important to find a balance between manual work and automation tools to avoid falling behind.
8. What is the importance of reinventing oneself in business?
- Reinventing oneself is important to overcome the fear of impermanence and scale an agency business. Short form agencies risk commoditization if they don't offer something more original.
9. How can businesses stand out in a competitive market?
- The focus should be on providing value and solving problems for clients, rather than being defined by a specific industry or service.
10. How can taking risks lead to business success?
- Taking risks, such as reaching out to influential people or experimenting with new strategies, can lead to business success. The interviewee's strategy to get in front of Sam from My First Million paid off and led to valuable partnerships.

Speaker Bio: Diego is an entrepreneur who has a strong passion for adapting to the fast-paced world of digital technology. Although he sometimes feels fear due to his insecurities, he is more excited about the endless possibilities technology has to offer. He recently discovered a tool that can generate 10 subtitled clips in just a minute, and he knows that this is his opportunity to leverage his connections and reputation to provide value to others and make a profit. Diego is determined to embrace these new tools and make the most out of them.